Online Participation Detail | Participation Fee | |
Scholars(Prof., Assoc. Prof.,Assist. Prof. Dr Researchers, Research Asst., Lecturers, Teachers) | 40 Euro | |
M.A., and PhD. Students | 30 Euro | |
Audience | 20 Euro |
On-site Participation Detail | Participation Fee | |
Scholars(Prof., Assoc. Prof.,Assist. Prof. Dr Researchers, Research Asst., Lecturers, Teachers) | 100 Euro | |
M.A., and PhD. Students | 60 Euro | |
Audience | 60 Euro |
**Participants will make their payments via IBAN. You have to make your payment by noting “CEAD Congress Participation Fee NAME SURNAME” in the Explanation section.
Important Notes:
- A researcher can attend Congress with a maximum of 3 papers. (A participant can present 2 papers with a participation fee. For the 3rd paper, he/she should also pay half of the participation fee.)
For papers with co-authors:
– The researchers who participate ON-SITE in Congress must pay the full ON-SITE congress fee.
– The researchers who participate ONLINE must pay the ONLINE Congress Fee. In addition, those who could not participate in the congress and ask for a certificate must pay 20 €.
– The audience who participate ONLINE and ask for a certificate in Congress must pay 10€.
ON-SITE Participation Fee includes;
-Participation Fee includes Conference bag, session participation, lunch, supper (only for Gala Dinner), Congress Kit (Book of Abstract, name tag, congress program, and gifts), beverages and canape at intervals.
-Audience Fee includes a conference bag, session participation, a Congress Kit (Book of Abstract, name tag, congress program, and gifts), beverages, and canapes at intervals.
ONLINE Participation Fee includes;
- Online participants will be able to get their participation certificates and name badges online.
*To pay the participation fee, the required details of the bank accounts are given below
Account Name EURO | IBAN |
CEAD EURO BENEFICIARY o NAME: Çağdaş Eğitim Araştırmaları Dernği İktisadi İşletmesi o ADRESS: Kötekli Mah. 218 Sk. NO: 40/ 1 Menteşe Muğla o ACCOUNT NO /IBAN: TR 3300 0100 0201 7801 6297 5003 BENEFICIARY’S BANK o BANK’S NAME: TURKIYE CUMHURIYETI ZIRAAT BANKASI A.S o BRANCH/ADRESS: 0201 MUGLA SUBESI o SWIFT CODE: TCZBTR2AXXX | TR 3300 0100 0201 7801 6297 5003 |
Account Name TL | |
ÇAĞDAŞ EĞİTİM ARAŞ.DERN.İKT.İŞL. | TR 8700 0100 0201 7801 6297 5001 |
**Participants will make their payments via IBAN. You have to make your payment by noting “CEAD Congress Participation Fee NAME SURNAME” in the Explanation section.